Inheritance in Java

Inheritance in Java

Inheritance is inheriting the properties of the parent class into the child class. It is a mechanism by which one object acquires all the properties and behaviors of its parent. Inheritance represents the "IS-A" relationship, which is also known as the parent-child relationship.

Inheritance is achieved using the "extends" keyword.

There can be only one super class because java doesn't support multiple inheritance.

class Animal
    void eat()
        System.out.println("I am eating");
class Dog extends Animal
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Dog d=new Dog();;

Types of Inheritance

  1. Single-level inheritance

  2. Multi-level Inheritance

  3. Hierarchical Inheritance

  4. Multiple Inheritance

  5. Hybrid Inheritance

1. Single-level inheritance

In single-level inheritance, only one class is derived from the parent class. In the below representation, Class B inherits the properties of Class A.

class Animal
    void eat()
        System.out.println("I am eating");
class Dog extends Animal
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Dog d=new Dog();;

2. Multi-level Inheritance

The multi-level inheritance includes the involvement of at least two or more than two classes. One class inherits the features from a parent class, and the newly created sub-class becomes the base class for another new class.

class A
    void showA()
        System.out.println("a class method");
class B extends A
    void showB()
        System.out.println("b class method");
class C extends B
    void showC()
        System.out.println("c class method");
    public static void main(String[] args)
        A obj1=new A();

        B obj2=new B();

        C obj3=new C();

3. Hierarchical Inheritance

The type of inheritance where many subclasses inherit from one single class is known as "hierarchical inheritance."

class A
    void showA()
        System.out.println("a class method");
class B extends A
    void showB()
        System.out.println("b class method");
class C extends A
    void showC()
        System.out.println("c class method");
    public static void main(String[] args)
        A obj1=new A();

        B obj2=new B();

        C obj3=new C();

4. Multiple Inheritance

Multiple inheritance is a type of inheritance where a subclass can inherit features from more than one parent class. Multiple inheritance is not available in Java.

5. Hybrid Inheritance

Hybrid inheritance is a combination of more than two types of inheritance single and multiple. It is basically the combination of simple, multiple, hierarchical inheritances. Hybrid inheritance is not supported by Java.


  • code reusability

  • promotes run time polymorphism by allowing method overriding


  • Using inheritance the two classes parent and child get tightly coupled